Mullard 6V6GT Power Tube
The Mullard 6V6GT Power Tube is a great choice for your small Fender amp or any 6V6 tube amplifier. It has gray plates and a top “halo” getter.
The new Mullard 6V6GT is built to withstand the high voltages encountered in the Fender Deluxe Reverb and other guitar amplifiers that run the power tubes above the published specification.
The smooth and balanced frequency response also makes it suitable for Hi-Fi use.
6V6Â Family Members
G – Glass “Shouldered Tube” ST envelope.
GT – smaller “Glass Tube” T-9 envelope.
GTA – with a controlled warm-up period.
GTY – a GT with a low loss micanol brown base.
GT-STR – A modern production valve, heavy duty, handles higher plate current.
For more technical information on the 6V6, read here.
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